Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pretty Pink Peonies - Nursery Savings

Okay, I admit it.  I'm a big fat liar.  I promised to post an extra nursery article last week, and I never got around to it.  (Sorry!)  The week just kinda got away from me, as weeks are wont to do.  

So this week, I'm actually writing about two smaller nursery projects/hacks that saved me a good bit of money.  Were either of them necessities for the room?  Heck no! But who cares about necessary when you're making something pretty for your soon-to-arrive munchkin!

Project 1: Pretty Pink Peonies
Inspiration: $70
My Cost: $0 
Savings: $70 (Mad math skillz, people.)

The Story: 
* Joss and Main Inspiration
I love Joss & Main.  Like, restraining-orders-might-be-necessary-at-some-point kind of love.  They have some of the most beautifully curated collections to drool over, buy out of and gather inspiration from.  Recently, as I was perusing their wares, I came across a beautiful arrangement of faux peonies. In particular, I was taken with the navy and white striped pot, as it managed to look both sophisticated and fun.  Because the colors I decided on for our nursery (pink, white and navy) are incredibly hard to find, this. was. perfect.  Except that it was $45, discounted from $70.

Now don't get me wrong, $45 for a quality arrangement isn't bad.  But when you're already spending a lot of money on all of the truly necessary baby-related paraphernalia, $45 or $70 for a small decoration seems a bit... well, unnecessary.  (Especially when I was fairly certain I could make a great knock off from pieces I already owned!)

So! On to the making:
The Supplies: 

1 Large Can, cleaned, dried and de-labeled (mine was 35 oz)
1 12x12 Sheet of Patterned Cardstock (I choose polka dots over stripes as they seemed a little more baby friendly!)
4-5 Faux Peonies (or other face flower), large bloom
5-6 Pieces Faux Greenery
Dry Florist Foam
White Spray Paint
Spray Adhesive
Craft Glue
2 Rubber Bands

The Process: 

I started by giving my clean, dry, label-free tomato can 2 coats of white spray paint, focusing primarily on the upper and lower rim, and allowing it to dry completely between coats. 

 After it was dry, I measured the distance between the edges of each rim, marked out the strip on the inside of the cardstock and cut it to size.  The cardstock was just shy of being long enough to surround, so I wound up cutting two strips and planned to overlap them. (Oops! Ah well.)  As I intended for the finished product to be on a shelf, I knew the seamed side would sit to the back anyway. (And actually, after it was finished, you really couldn't tell.  Lucky break!)

Working on a covered surface, I gave the back of the cardstock strips a thorough coating of spray adhesive and then quickly affixed them to the can between the upper and lower rims.  Once I had them in place, I secured the top and bottom with a rubber bands to hold them in place while drying.

Once the glue was completely dry, I removed the rubber bands and moved on to the ribbon.  I initially chose a gold sparkly ribbon for the bottom (which you'll see in a few pics) but after a day or two, I decided I wanted something a little wider and a little less GOLD, so I swapped it out with some shimmery white ribbon (which you'll see in a few OTHER pics).

I cut the strip just long enough to overlap in the back.  I gave the very bottom of the can a thin line of craft glue (just above the rim), and attached the ribbon to the tacky surface.  I didn't find the need to use a rubber band or anything to secure it while drying, however, if you're using a thicker kind of ribbon, you may need to.  (You could also add a tiny bit of double sided tape to the ends to give them an extra grip.)  Let that baby dry.

The last step was to cut a section of florist foam to fit in the bottom of the can and begin adding your flowers.  Because the blooms I used were so fabulously large, I only needed four to make it look full and yet not over-packed.  Green leaves were used to break up the mass of pink and blue.  
And the result? Fresh, fun and perfect for the shelves in the nursery.  Plus I got to make it all out of pieces I already owned (which always makes me happy). 

So, what do you think?  Not bad for free!  Stay tuned for my second money saving nursery project!!

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