Wednesday, June 17, 2015

One Pot Jambalaya: a simple recipe for a mouthwatering meal

I love this meal because it's so easy and yet so flavorful.  And almost all of the ingredients are things you have on hand!

Have you ever had one of those moments in life where it feels like time is just messing with you?  You know, when you suddenly become aware that it's Friday rather than Tuesday, or that you only have a few shopping days before Christmas, or that your rent is due again, or that Holy Crap, it's 2015 and Sweet-Moses-what-the-hell-happened-to-my-twenties?!  Yeah, I've been having a lot of those lately.

Having a newborn has created this weird sort of black hole where time just disappears.  I surface now and again, blearily peering at the outside world, only to discover that another week has passed, none of the projects that I wanted to get to have been touched, and, yep, that funky smell is probably coming from me (Oh Showers, how I miss thee...).  This little munchkin (who's currently snarfling in a rare moment of sleep) is a champion time sucker.

So imagine my surprise (READ: horror) when I realized that Father's Day is this Sunday and I have absolutely nothing planned.  It would be one thing if it were any other year... but this is my husband's FIRST Father's Day (and he really is an amazing father), so it's kind of a big deal. 

Without much time (or brain power) to plan, I finally settled on making him a special dinner at home (take out and cereal have been more our speed, of late).  It had to be something a little out of the ordinary and celebratory, as well as something easy because I generally only get a few minutes before my baby pterodactyl starts to sing me the song of her people.

After a quick search of my freezer and cupboards I came up with a recipe that should fit the bill nicely.  Appealing to my husband's love for all-things-spicy, I've settled on a Creole-inspired jambalaya with lots of meat, veggies and aromatic seasonings. 

So without further ado...

Entertaining Grace's One Pot Jambalaya


1 8 oz box Zatarain's Jambalya Mix (Okay, YES, it's kind of cheating.  But sometimes you've just got to do what works!)
2 chopped celery stalks
1/2 c. chopped red pepper
1/2 c. chopped green pepper
1/2 c. chopped yellow onion
1 - 2 c. frozen peas/corn/green beans
1 can chicken broth
1 can stewed tomatoes
2 links spicy Italian sausage or Chorizo
1 pre-cooked chicken breast, chunked
15 - 20 frozen shrimp
2 tsp cajun spice
1/8 tsp saffron (optional - but I promise it's worth it!)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce (optional)
2 Tbsp vegetable oil

The Process

In a large frying pan or stock pot, saute the onions, celery and peppers and one teaspoon cajun seasoning in vegetable oil over medium high heat for five minutes, or until onions start to become translucent. Remove mixture and set aside.

In the same pot, brown sausage.  Remove from heat and slice.  Add tomatoes, chicken broth, sliced sausage and Zatarain's mixture.  Sprinkle with remaining Cajun seasoning and saffron.  Cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Add vegetable mixture, frozen peas, chicken and shrimp into pot and cook for 10 additional minutes.  (Shrimp should be pink when fully cooked).  Add water, 1/4 c. at a time if mixture becomes too thick. 

The shrimp, corn and peas add a wonderful layer of sweetness to the dish

Remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes, then fluff with fork. Snip chives over jambalaya for garnish before serving. 

Serve with crusty french bread, moist Corn Muffins, fruit, or salad. 

It may not be the fanciest meal I've ever made, but we'll enjoy a rare moment of peace and togetherness where I can raise a glass of Spanish wine to his awesomeness as a father.  Maybe I'll even shower first. :)

Have a fabulous week everybody! 


  1. This looks great! Christine already has a jambalaya recipe that uses that easy & delicious Zatarain's rice. We've been making updates (eg adding shrimp) but this recipe gives new ideas... Peas & corn? Can't wait to try it!!!

  2. I love any product that makes dinner easy and fast! And anything that you can add shrimp to is okay by me!


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