Friday, October 30, 2015

Part 2!! (2015 Halloween House Preview)

Boy Howdy!  I have been running my little tail off these past few days (weeks, months...).  But the house is really coming together.  I promised some more pics (Click HERE for part 1!) and, amazingly, I'm actually posting them pre-Halloween! (okay, BARELY, but still...).  You may notice a difference in the light quality - that's because some of these were taken last night to show off the string lights and candles a little better. 

Our guests will actually be dining in the living room next to the fireplace and under the "chandelier."  A large beaded spiderweb spans the corner, while ravens and crows look on from their various perches around the room.

I can't have an event without fresh flowers.  The orange poms and scraggly greenery give these white roses an eerie Halloween-y slant.
As the dining room is not being used for, well, dining, it will serve as a cocktail and hors d'ouevres station.  A moss runner was added to the table, along with the greenery and cloche.  The table was slid to one corner of the room to make space for another project (that I will most likely NOT be featuring pre-Halloween)

This fab moon is a two foot paper lantern.  The facial features are from BHG and have been Mod Podged on.  The entire piece got a coating of pearl and sliver acrylic paint and it hangs, lit from within.

Along with cocktails, I always make sure to have a fun non-alcoholic beverage available.  I'd like to say it's solely because I'm being responsible, but the truth is that I also just REALLY enjoy showing off my mother's cut glass punch bowl.

Instead of a traditional leaf garland, I created a feather version out of a bunch of feather boas (purchased at Goodwill for very little!).  The feathers give a nod to the raven theme while the metallic gold skull, satin top hat and fabulous cravat show this handsome fella is dressed for dinner.  The wall behind the stairs is lined with three chandelier silhouettes intended for pre-teen rooms and purchased on Clearance for $2.50 each. 

Oh, I'd love to say I'm all done, but there is still much to do!  I'm off to add grommets to my dress, buy dry ice, introduce the reaper to our cemetery, hang some lights and mix some drinks.  And then drink some of those drinks.  Hmmm... maybe I should buy more alcohol too.

Have a spectacularly spooky Halloween, my friends, and please send me your pictures and comments!!

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