Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sunny Skyz

Happy November, everyone!  I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween weekend and are now enjoying all that candy you sent your kids out to retrieve for you. I know that's my plan!! ;-)

Despite being in the middle of my favorite few months of the year and surrounded by talks of the holidays, I've been going through an emotional rough patch these past few weeks.  In addition to some personal stuff I'm struggling with, I am finding it harder to deal with the world at large.  Any time I flip on the tv, I'm bombarded by news stories of people doing horrible things to one another, candidates tearing each other down, awful accidents and nasty accusations...  Days just seem a little darker right now - both literally and figuratively.

The other night, I decided to do a search for some happy news and came across   It's a website dedicated to searching for and relaying all of the good things that are happening in the world.  I must have spent a good hour on it, and I. Am. In. Love.

 As I figure I'm not the only one to have times like this, I thought I'd share one of my favorite posts from it and send the sunshine your way.

This video is about a high school (not far from where I live, actually) who named two kids with down syndrome as their homecoming king and queen.  And their reactions are amazing.


I highly recommend spending some time trolling their website, reading the stories, watching the videos and breathing in some fresh air and sunshine.  There IS good in the world, and taking some time to focus on it has got to be as good for you as exercise (and a whole lot cheaper than Prozac). 

Have a joy-filled day, friends.  Be good to each other.

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