Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Season For Giving: Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

It's amazing how the second Halloween ends, the Christmas commercials and sales begin.  I have to be honest, I LOVE Christmas, so it doesn't bother me too much, but I do think that it's important to focus on each holiday as it comes.

In spirit of both Thanksgiving as well as Christmas, our family is participating in Samartian's Purse Operation Christmas Child.  The organization is Christian based but their goal is to not only bring spiritual hope but also to bring physical aid to people who are in need.  That means they go into war-torn countries, poverty stricken countries, and areas that have experienced natural disasters (etc) to provide food, clothing, water, medical services and education where it is needed most.

Operation Christmas Child is an international effort to provide Christmas gifts to children around the world who are in need.  According to their website, they have "collected and delivered more than 124 million gift-filled shoe boxes to children in more than 150 countries and territories."  I think that's pretty amazing.

I'm sharing this post in hopes that you and your family will participate as well.  It really is such a fun project to get involved with: collecting toys, wrapping boxes and playing Santa to children who are truly in need brings its own sort of high.  It's a great way to develop a little altruism in your kids as well! 

Collection week is November 16 - 23, and you can find your closest donation center here.

The process is simple: 

Get a shoebox (or other box with lid)

Wrap your box and lid separately (*Note: Wrapping is absolutely optional!)

Choose a gender and an age group: 2-4, 5-9, 10-14.

Then fill your box with gifts! 

Our first box is themed for a little girl around 6, and it includes Disney figurines, puzzle, stickers, crayons, coloring book, jewelry, hair accessories and candy. 
You can also include a picture of yourself and a letter if you'd like, and for a donation of $7, you can track your package to see where it ends up.

All packed up, I hope this sparkly, pink and purple box of surprises will make a little girl smile.
That's it!!  Well, almost...

The biggest thing that Samaritan's Purse asks for is prayer - it's probably the most powerful tool we have.  We are oh-so-lucky to live in this country (despite its flaws), and it's important to remember our blessings and to share God's love with others when we can.

If you want to learn more about the organization, please check out http://www.samaritanspurse.org/.
Whether you can afford to give one box or ten, anything is appreciated.

I promise it's the perfect way to celebrate this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Our church does this and Christine and I have done it for at least 2 or 3 years. Always fun to take the box to the store and walk up and down the aisles seeing just how much you can fit in the box!

    I think it's really important for people to do it that way (unless they want to buy toys that are too long or wide for the box like we did originally!)


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