Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas in the Guest Room

I love a lot of things about Christmas: strands of twinkling lights; brightly wrapped packages; seeing cars with Christmas trees strapped precariously to the top; specialty cookies (that I might as well apply directly to my thighs 'cause, Lord knows, that's where they're gonna end up anyway); giant inflatable holiday figures that wave cheerfully from front lawns at night and melt into a Wicked Witch style massacre scene during the day.  I even love the gifts (I know you're not supposed to admit that, but I like trying to find things that will make people smile). 

But, by far, my favorite thing about this time of year is the people. I love being surrounded by my friends and family - making plans for visits, and cookie swaps, and shopping trips and wrapping parties and special meals...  It's good stuff.

This year, we have a lot of friends and family coming to us (I suspect it has more to do with the Baby Bee than my husband and I, but hey, we'll take it), so the guest room got a special holiday update.

I love the idea of having holiday bedding for all of beds, but money and space are not exactly abundant currently.  I do have a beautiful red and white quilt made by my great grandmother, however.  Even with the matching red sheets, the ensemble would still be appropriate in summer, but add a small green and red throw and a few holiday pillows and the whole thing looks ready for a long winter's nap.

Those holiday pillows are, in fact, more placemat pillows.  I purchased both placemats at Target and had them stuffed and closed back up in less than thirty minutes.  I love them!

In addition to some clean fluffy towels (I like to have them out ahead of time in case guests want to freshen up when they arrive), I make sure to leave an alarm clock for anyone who doesn't use their phone.  The vintage style of this Ikea alarm clock is so classic and reminds me of being a kid (and who doesn't want to feel like a kid on Christmas?)

At the bottom of the bed, I've left an assortment of goodies meant to welcome visitors and put them in the right frame of mind.  A stack of books about Christmas makes for light night time reading.  A few bottles of Pellegrino and a small wrapped box of fancy chocolates feels special for snuggling in.  And who needs a mint on the pillow when you can have a candy cane instead?  Stacking it all (along with some pretty posies) on a tray at the bottom of the bed makes for easy relocation.

Finally, tied to the silver bucket with some jute twine is a Christmas tag bearing the all-important WiFi password.  Writing it down ahead of time ensures guests have it when they need it and don't have to hunt you down in the middle of the night.

There is much left to do, but at least I feel like my guests will have a nice, clean place to stay while they're here (although at least one pillowcase will need to be rewashed as my cat seems to have grown roots to it.  Maybe I can pass it off as fur-lined...).

What steps do you take before guests arrive?  Any items that you stock up on ahead of time to make their (and your) lives easier?

I hope your holiday plans are coming together and that you're taking a moment to Enjoy The Season!!  Talk soon!

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